Aproximadamente 332 registro(s) hasta el momento: (knowledge)
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Recurso libre 
Phytogeographic subregions of the Atlantic Forests between São Francisco and Uruguai River basins based on the analysis of spatial distribution patterns of the tree flora and climate, Sub-regiões fitogeográficas da floresta atlântica entre as bacias dos rios São Francisco e Uruguai baseadas na análise dos padrões de distribuição espacial da flora arbórea e do clima
Valente, Arthur Sérgio Mouço
Formato: tese
Fecha: 2014-09-26
Recurso: Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA

Recurso libre 
Biogeography, current knowledge and conservation of threatened vascular plants characteristic of Mexican temperate forests
Luna Vega, Mercedes Isolda - Ponce, A - Alcántara Ayala, Othon - Contreras Medina, Raúl
Formato: Artículo de investigación
Fecha: 20130312T14:39:15Z, 20130312T14:39:15Z, 2006
Recurso: Facultad de Ciencias - UNAM

Recurso libre 
Can the use of cognitive and metacognitive self-regulated learning strategies be predicted by learners' levels of prior knowledge in Hypermedia-learning environments?
Taub, Michelle
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Rhizomes : Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge
Formato: journal
Fecha: 2008-12-01
Recurso: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ

Recurso libre 
Development of a KT intervention to promote the use of dance as a therapeutic modality in rehabilitation
Demers, Marika
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
The reading comprehension of deaf/hard-of-hearing Jamaican students: the contributions of intellectual ability, sign-language comprehension, vocabulary, knowledge and metacognitive awareness
Dockery, Karla
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Regularized reinforcement learning with performance guarantees
Milani Fard, Mahdi
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Alfabetismo financiero en jóvenes mexicanos de 15 a 18 años
Villagómez Amezcua, A.
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaper
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: CIDE RI

Recurso libre 
Revisión e integración del conocimiento de las Orchidaceae de Tabasco, México, Review and integration of knowledge of the Orchidaceae of Tabasco, Mexico
Eliana Noguera Savelli - WILLIAM ROLANDO CETZAL IX
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: CICY

Recurso libre 
An investigation of the role of legends and storytelling in a Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) early childhood facility
Deer, Sandra
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Knowing children: telepathy in Anglo-American fiction, 1846-1946
Holmgren, Lindsay
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
"They gon' study some [things]": representation of schools and schooling in HBO's «The Wire»
Siam, Habib
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Anxiety and depression among participants in an early ovarian cancer diagnosis program
Grigorie, Maria Simona
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Epistemic beliefs and assessment practices:effects on learning strategies and learning outcomes
Chevrier, Marianne
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
The use of laboratory and participatory ergonomic research models to investigate working posture in industry
Antle, David
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Análisis del uso de los recursos no maderables como modelo sustentable en comunidades indígenas : estudio comparativo en la comunidad Infierno en Madre de Dios, Perú y de Naranjal Poniente en la Zona Maya de México
López Barreto, Mauricio Feliciano
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: ECOSUR

Recurso libre 
Pragmática de la desinformación: estratagemas e incidencia de la calidad informativa de los medios
Romero Rodríguez, Luis M.
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Tecnologías de información y padrones gubernamentales: el caso del diseño del proyecto de actualización de registros y expedientes de PROCAMPO
Ríos Marroquín, J. I. - Gil García, J. R.
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/workingPaper
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: CIDE RI

Recurso libre 
Conocimientos, representaciones y actitudes de los estudiantes de titulaciones educativas sobre el VIH/SIDA
Cejudo Cortés, Carmen María Aránzazu
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Elementary school teachers and the ethics and religious culture course
Pelchat, Alex
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Wellbeing and expression with youth dancing Hip Hop in an urban multiethnic neighborhood
Lyke, Claire
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Habitus, charisma, and hysteresis in the United Arab Republic: a Bourdieu-inspired interpretation
Foldy, Benjamin
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
"These aren't the drones you're looking for" secrecy and the weapon legitimation process, 2009-2013
Anderson, Sean
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Caracterización de ruido en dispositivos activos saturados en ganancia, Noise characterization of active devices with gain saturation
Víctor Hugo Castañeda Miranda
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: CICESE

Recurso libre 
Un algoritmo de enumeración completa para la identificación de SCAPs y su implementación en GPUs, A full enumeration algorithm for SCAPs identication and its implementation on GPUs
Najash Marrón Guluarte
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: CICESE

Recurso libre 
Efecto del tipo de lípido en la actividad de las lipasas digestivas durante la etapa larvaria del lenguado de California (Paralichthys californicus), The effect of lipid type on lipid digestive enzymes during the larval stage of the California halibut (Paralichthys californicus)
José Pablo Fuentes Quesada
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: CICESE

Recurso libre 
The bias of libraries: Montréal's Grande Bibliothèque
Mickiewicz, Paulina Maria
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
A multiscale approach to mechancial modeling of a leaf petiole: integrating cell wall, cellular tissues, and structural morphology
Faisal, Md Tanvir
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Comparison of methodologies for induction motor design
Kibby, Devon
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Determinants of stress reactivity and memory performance in older adults
Sindi, Shireen
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Perceptions of dental students about the role of the dentist in the prevention of HPV-OPC
Amir, Nida
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Promoción de la alimentación saludable en escolares desde la perspectiva comunitaria: aportaciones del ámbito familiar, educativo y enfermero
González Rodríguez, Angustias
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Creer, saber y poder: jalones para una antropología del creer (y del cuidar) en la obra de Michel de Certeau
González Sanz, Juan Diego
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Saberes populares: voces ágrafas del espacio local comunitario, Popular knowledge: old shouting of the local community space
González, Zuleyma - Azuaje, Ermelinda
Formato: Texto
Fecha: 2009-07-09
Recurso: Universidad de los Andes Venezuela

Recurso libre 
Influencia de la adición de residuos en las propiedades del hormigón
Escalera López, Alberto Manuel
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Lorenzo Alcaraz Segura: otro personaje extremeño del exilio republicano
Flores Polán, María Gema
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Modelado numérico de sistemas de extracción de energía del oleaje basados en la tecnología de columna de agua oscilante
Iturrioz Eceiza, Arantza
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Measurement, characterization and separation of high added value biomolecules
Valiño Llamazares, Virginia
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Residuos de fundición como nuevos recursos en procesos cerámicos: análisis y modelado de las propiedades tecnológicas y medioambientales: = Foundry wastes as new resources in ceramic processes : analysis and modelling of technological and environmental properties
María Luisa Coronado, Robles
Formato: text (thesis)
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: Dialnet (Tesis)

Recurso libre 
Carga parasitaria del ostión de placer Crassostrea corteziensis en invierno y su importancia para la producción en el Estado de Sinaloa, Oyster production in Mexico shows an increasing trend, however, even in the state of Sinaloa were a local fishery and the incipient cultivation of pleasure oyster Crassostrea corteziensis exist and even thought environmental conditions are ideal, the production is low and unstable. In this sense, promoting its production represents an alternative to fishing communities as it is also, awell-known specie and it is appreciated by consumers. The promotion of this activity with solid bases, including sanitary aspects, in particular determining the types of parasites that can put production at risk is essential. It is known that cultivation practices increase the possibility of disease occurrence, due to densely grouping of populations in small areas and in occasions batches are freely transferred without health certification from one place to another, this greatly facilitates the spread of parasites and diseases. In the present work, the parasitic load in C. corteziensis was determined at different winter seasons in the coastal lagoons Río Fuerte (north), Las Puentes, Cospita (downtown) and Teacapán (south) situated along the state. The collection of organisms was conducted in the winter seasons from November 2011 to March 2012 and November 2012 to March 2013. In each lagoon approximately 30 oysters of commercial size were collected. Fresh analysis was performed on the soft body of the oyster, as well as histopathological analysis, to determine the parasitic load. Additionally complementary molecular analysis (PCR and in situ hybridization) were conducted to confirm the identity of Perkinsus marinus. The detected parasites were Rickettsia-like-bacteria, P. marinus, Nematopsis-like protozoans, Ancistrocoma-like protozoans, trematode cysts and copepod Pseudomyicola spinosus. The parasitic load of C. corteziensis was similar in the majority of localities studied during the two winter seasons, this indicates uniformity in the parasitic load independently of the particular characteristics of each lagoon, with the exception of the trematode cysts that were only found in the north and center of the state. Among the parasitic load, P. marinus represents the species of most interest because it is the causing agent of Perkinsosis, however, its prevalence and intensity were low possibly due to the conditions of this season which are not favorable for the development of the organism. The obtained results are also similar to reported results from other studies in the area. The identity of P. marinus was confirmed and it proved to be the same variety as the one found in the state of Nayarit, also its location in the tissues was similar. An annual or interannual surveillance of the parasitic load is recommended, that would allow the knowledge of the fluctuations throughout time in the pleasure oyster C. corteziensis
Fabiola Salcedo Morán
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: CICESE

Recurso libre 
Multi-feature RGB-D generic object tracking using a simple filter hierarchy
Entin, Irina
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Henry Corbin and Russian religious thought
Fakhoury, Hadi
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Ocular impairment in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury
Sheppard-Jones, Nicolas
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Translational cancer research: from the bench to the bedside - and back again
Nielsen, Torsten
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Use of biochar for reducing female sex hormonal pollution in agricultural areas
Alizadeh, Sanaz
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Effects of corrective feedback on L2 speech perception: perceptual decisions, linguistic hypotheses, and negative evidence
Lee, Andrew
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
A qualitative inquiry of five Muslim Canadian's perceptions of their experiences and reflections as Arabic second language learners
Alsmadi, Zainab
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Improvement of professors' teaching: investigating motivating and inhibiting factors
Sabagh, Zaynab
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Distributed ensemble Kalman filtering
Shahid, Arslan
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL

Recurso libre 
Development of an «In Vivo» eIF4E-RNA immunoprecipitation assay
Kreps, Amina
Formato: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2014
Recurso: McGill University - MCGILL