Título: Humanitarianism in the Reception of Refugees: Implications, Contradictions, and Limitations
Autores: Lego, Jera Beah H.; International Christian University
Fecha: 2013-08-06
Publicador: Asia Journal of Global Studies
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Addressing the plight of refugees, whether ensuring their physical protection by preventing refoulement or providing material assistance, has both a rights dimension and a humanitarian dimension. The aim of this paper is to examine the ways in which the languages of humanitarianism and of refugee rights, though equally important, have become entangled in the different procedures established by states to receive refugees into their societies. Of particular interest are instances when states grant visas to refugees without calling them refugees per se. Rather, they are referred to as humanitarian refugees. Because the refugee is not a static idea, the paper will begin with an overview of the different ways in which the term has come to be defined. The paper will then proceed to examine the cases of Australia's humanitarian admissions, Japan's humanitarian status refugees, as well as humanitarian considerations espoused by Malaysia towards refugees in its territory. The paper then concludes by considering the implications, contradictions, and limitations of the different ways in which states have appropriated and redefined the terms refugee and humanitarianism. In doing so, this paper hopes to contribute to the literature on the discourse of humanitarianism and its implications for the study and practice of assisting refugees.
Idioma: Inglés