Título: Mary, Athena and Kuan-yin: What the Church, the Demos and the Sangha can Teach us about Religious Pluralism and Doctrinal Conformity to Socio-cultural Standards
Autores: Voulgarakis, Van
Fecha: 2010-07-23
Publicador: Asia Journal of Global Studies
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: Cultural Studies; History;
Descripción: This work considers the process of doctrinal reinterpretation and rhetorical conformity to globalization-driven changes in socio-cultural standards. Considered are the Virgin Mary, Kuan-yin, and Athena in the context of gender-equality. Being an impersonal, non-negotiable state of affairs rather than a political system which might be negotiated with, globalization leaves no choice to exclusivist groups than to modify their rhetoric in order to maintain their relevance and exclusivity within globalized environments. In this context, pluralism may be served better when it ensures the prosperity and exclusivity of religious groups than when it stands as a moral axiom. A consideration of the three “goddesses” demonstrates the importance of the flexibility of doctrinal interpretation in view of the goal to maintain, amidst the ever-changing, globalized context, the myth of noble origins and of a unified, continuous tradition founded on supposedly ever-relevant and immutable truths.
Idioma: Inglés