Título: Putting People First: Toward a New Politics of Natural Disaster in Asia
Autores: Wonoadi, Grace Lestariana
Fecha: 2008-03-03
Publicador: Asia Journal of Global Studies
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami ended as quickly as it appeared, but its devastating aftermath will not be easily forgotten. Millions of human lives were affected, with entire communities swept away. As the tsunami revealed, natural disasters represent a significant challenge for human security. No one can feel secure when nature is so unpredictable and natural threats are left unmanaged. What the tsunami also showed was that some governments are ill-equipped to assist disaster victims. Unfortunately, some countries do not fulfill their promises to provide relief funds to victims and endanger both people’s living conditions and the state’s overall performance. Discussing the 2004 Tsunami and other natural disasters’ impact in Asia, this paper will propose some suggestions to devise a better politics of natural disaster that puts people and state interests in proper balance and perspective.
Idioma: Inglés