Título: Keeping Memories Alive: Maintaining Singaporean Nationalism Abroad
Autores: Gomes, Catherine
Fecha: 2009-11-11
Publicador: Asia Journal of Global Studies
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Singapore uses the active remembering of its heritage to instil in its citizens a sense of nationhood. While this is not an uncommon feature of any national agenda, Singapore - concerned with a declining local skilled workforce as a result of emigration - uses memory of heritage and place as a means to promote and maintain nationalism among its citizens abroad. The practice of remembering is aided by inventive and sometimes well-funded government initiatives such as the annually held Singapore Day, a one-day event held in cities outside Singapore which have a significant diasporic Singaporean population.
Idioma: Inglés