Título: Identity Change as a Pathway to Peace: Zionism and the Challenges of Relinquishing Righteousness
Autores: Haasz, Yuri
Fecha: 2012-10-14
Publicador: Asia Journal of Global Studies
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: If Zionist identity goes unchanged it cannot and will not allow just peace to exist between Israelis and Palestinians. The traditional progressive approaches to conflict transformation critiqued in this article work toward identity change during formal negotiations and peace processes. It is argued that for identity change to make a difference, however, it needs to occur on a broader scale prior to and independent from this stage of conflict resolution. Its occurrence, moreover, should not be contingent on the necessity for a punctual peace agreement, but out of a transformed perception of the "other" as a reflection of one's own humanity - a change which necessarily involves lifting the ideological fog of Zionist identity. The paper concludes by suggesting two future research directions connected to identity change. The first concerns how identity change occurs at the individual level in terms of triggers, difficulties, obstacles, and social influences; the second, how the process of identity change itself might inform transformational initiatives.
Idioma: Inglés