Título: Nuevos aspectos del Paleolítico euroasiático en relación con el origen de los cazadores americanos
Nuevos aspectos del Paleolítico euroasiático en relación con el origen de los cazadores americanos
Nuevos aspectos del Paleolítico euroasiático en relación con el origen de los cazadores americanos
Autores: Bosch-Gimpera, Pedro
Fecha: 2010-05-11
Publicador: Revistas UNAM
Tema: Hombre americano; Puntas de proyectil; Clovis; Sandía
Descripción: El autor de este artículo trata la discusión sobre el origen del hombre americano a través de los tipos y técnicas del uso y manufactura de las puntas de proyectil. A partir de nuevos datos de Europa y América, infiere que el probable origen de los cazadores americanos del paleolítico se encuentra en las regiones del Baikal y del sur de Siberia, ya que las puntas de proyectil encontradas en América tienen su precedente en el Viejo Mundo desde Europa a través de Siberia, como las Clovis e incluso las Sandía. Sugiere también que el estudio en las semejanzas existentes de las pinturas rupestres en América, paralela del que se observa en Asia,  podrá dar posibles conclusiones que ayuden a comprobar esta relación.
In the discussion of the origin of the culture of the American paleolithic hunters it has been doubted that there are finds in Siberia -where the origin of the hunters has been looked for- that could be the prototypes of the American projectile points. Now, we find in Germany -as ascertained by Müller-Beck- in the Musterian of Salzgitter-Lebenstend, a bone projectile point with basal fluting, as well as, at the beginning of Upper Paleolithic, points with more or less accomplished basal fluting in Kostyenski I (URSS). There are some points with fluting in Mongolia and Manchuria. All these can be suspected to be the precedents of the types of the American Clovis projectile points. For the Sandia points, whose parallels were lacking, we may also suspect that they had prototypes in the Euraisan Upper Paleolithic. Gravetoid types of points with notes on the side are now known from Kostyenski I (URSS) and from Verscholenskaia Gora near Irkutsk in Siberia. Such types continue in the Khin Mesolithic of Baikalia, representing the continuation of an old tradition. Developed retouch is to be found in leaf shaped points in the Jermano-vice culture of Germany and continues in the Upper Paleolithic, also in Siberia, where the Malta culture of Baikalia includes moviliar art cloely connected with such of Central and specifically of Osteoeurope. If the retouch of the European and Siberian points in the Paleolithic is not exactly that of the American point and only developed as "parallel flaked" later this cannot be an argument for an independent development and of a later influence of America in Asia. Possibly there are parallel developments in both continents, even if the origin of the American types and technique of artifacts must be looked for in the Siberian paleolithic. One of the major problems of the American Hunter's culture is that of the rock paintings, appearing in the Paleolithic only in Sout Patagonia (connected with "Toldense" culture of certainly northern origin), with Plainview and fishtail points. Although there are resemblances with cave paintings of Western Europe the lack of art in the North American Paleolithic maintained the mystery of the origin of Patagonian art. As a matter of fact inlater times there is a great development in most parts of America, pointing to the continuation of an old tradition. Now we know that piantings and engravings of Franco-cantabrian type extended in the east. There are examples in the European part of the URSS, but the sensational discovery of Bader of mammoths and horses of the Kapova Cave in South Ural (Republic of Bachkiria) -which may be compared with the paintings of Lascaux and others of Western Europe- as well as paleolithic engravings in Baikalia and the continuation of the tradition in Siberia in later times is a hint of the propagation of art in eastern direction and the possibility that with the hunters such art could have reached America, extending into Patagonia with them. We may expect future discoveries such as those made in the Mediterranean regions of Europe reaching Thessaly in Grecee and Atalya region in Anatolia, In the Pelion cave of Thessaly there are painted horses very similar to those of Kapova. All this strengthens the probable origin of the culture more or less directly from that of the Baikal region.

Idioma: Español

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