Aproximadamente 20 registro(s) hasta el momento: (datos)
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Recurso libre 
Interpreting Differences in Parental Encouragement to learn the host language: California and Catalonia Compared
Wilson, Ann Elizabeth; Departament de Didàctica de les Ciències Socials, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: Avaluacions anònimes, Peer-Reviewed Article, Quantitative Analysis, SPSS, Evaluaciones anónimas,
Fecha: 2012-09-19
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Book Review: The Role of Metalinguistic Awareness in the Effective Teaching of Foreign Languages by Anthony David Roberts
Moore, Emilee; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Review, ,
Fecha: 2012-09-19
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Editor's Note / Nota de l'Editora / Nota de la Editora / Nota de l'Éditrice
Dooly, Melinda; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Editor's Note, ,
Fecha: 2012-09-19
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition and beyond: An interview with Numa P. Markee
Evnitskaya, Natalia; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , , Interview,
Fecha: 2012-09-19
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
School and Immigration: Welcoming Literature
Colomer Martínez, Teresa; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: Articles convidats, Commissioned, Applied linguistics, Artículos invitados,
Fecha: 2012-09-19
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Insights towards Native and Non-Native ELT Educators
Villalobos Ulate, Nuria; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: Avaluacions anònimes, Peer-Reviewed Article, Quantitative Analysis (Survey), Evaluaciones anónimas,
Fecha: 2011-02-09
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Editor's Note
Dooly, Melinda; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Editor's Note, ,
Fecha: 2011-02-09
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Editor's Note
Dooly, Melinda; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Editor's Note, ,
Fecha: 2011-06-24
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Editor's Notes
Dooly, Melinda; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Editor's Note, ,
Fecha: 2011-10-06
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Editor's Notes
Dooly, Melinda; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Editor's Note, Editorial,
Fecha: 2011-12-18
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Educating Foreign Language Primary School Teachers: A Review of Models of Teacher Education and New Proposal
Alirio Bastidas Arteaga, Jesús; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: Articles convidats, Commissioned, , Artículos invitados,
Fecha: 2011-02-09
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Book Review: Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development: Learning Teaching, 2010. Taylor & Francis Group
Antoniadou, Victoria; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Review, ,
Fecha: 2011-02-09
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
From “This is impossible” to “I will make the standard higher”: A close look at interaction in the CLIL classroom
Fuentes, Miquel Àngel; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Hernández, Elena
Formato: Avaluacions anònimes, Peer-Reviewed Article, Conversation Analysis, Evaluaciones anónimas,
Fecha: 2011-06-24
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Book Review: Aprendre en una altra llengua / Learning through another language / Aprender en otra lengua
Simon Auerbach, Jill; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , Review, ,
Fecha: 2011-06-24
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
First-year students' conflicts during their construction of an academic identity in English as a foreign language: Implementing Cultural-Historical Activity Theory
Oliva-Girbau, Angels; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: Avaluacions anònimes, Peer-Reviewed Article, Activity Theory, Questionnaires, Evaluaciones anónimas,
Fecha: 2011-10-06
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
No sé qué day: Code-switching and code-mixing in a plurilingual family living in Catalonia
Simon Auerbach, Jill; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: Avaluacions anònimes, Peer-Reviewed Article, Qualitative analysis, conversation analysis, Evaluaciones anónimas,
Fecha: 2011-12-18
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
How teachers develop content literacy of their students and use children’s literature for such purposes
Shockett-Qafleshi, Enkelena; University of Elbasan
Formato: Avaluacions anònimes, Peer-Reviewed Article, Content Analysis, Evaluaciones anónimas,
Fecha: 2011-12-18
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
New media, new communicative genres and inclusive technology-mediated L2 pedagogy: A conversation with Steve Thorne
Antoniadou, Victoria; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: , , , Interview,
Fecha: 2011-12-18
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Education and linguistic boundaries in Québec: Student representations and pedagogical reflections from a critical perspective
Pilote, Annie; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Magnan, Marie-Odile - Groff, Cynthia
Formato: Articles convidats, Commissioned, qualitative analysis, interviews, Artículos invitados,
Fecha: 2011-10-06
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature

Recurso libre 
Virtual collaboration, ‘perezhivanie’ and teacher learning: A socio-cultural-historical perspective
Antoniadou, Victoria; Dept. Did. Ll, Lit i CCSS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Formato: Avaluacions anònimes, Peer-Reviewed Article, Qualitative analysis, Conversation Analysis, Action Relevant Episodes, Evaluaciones anónimas,
Fecha: 2011-10-06
Recurso: Bellaterra: Journal of teaching and Learning Language and Literature