Aproximadamente 357 registro(s) hasta el momento: (knowledge)
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Recurso libre 
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Chemical Dependency Counseling Course Based on Patrick and Partners
Keshavarz, Yousef; MSc, Department of Educational Administration, School of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran - Ghaedi, Sina; MSc, Department of Adult Education, School of Education and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran - Rahimi Kashani, Mansure; Chemical Dependency Counseling Expert, Rebirth Society, Tehran, Iran
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2012-07-14
Recurso: Addicition & Health

Recurso libre 
The Mediating Role of Metacognition in the Relationship between Internet Addiction and General Health
Bidi, Fatemeh; MA in General Psychology, Department of Psychology, School of Humanities, Payame Noor University, Dubai, UAE - Namdari Pejman, Mahdi; MA in Educational Researches, Department of Educational Sciences, School of Educational and Psychology Sciences, Farhangian University, Hamadan, Iran - Kareshki, Hossein; Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran. - Ahmadnia, Hadi; MA in Educational Sciences, Department of Education, Zanjan Province Education Office, Zanjan, Iran
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2012-07-14
Recurso: Addicition & Health

Recurso libre 
Assessing declarative and procedural knowledge using multiple-choice questions
Abu-Zaid, Ahmed; College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, P.O. Box 50927, Riyadh 11533, Saudi Arabia - Khan, Tehreem A.; College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, P.O. Box 50927, Riyadh 11533, Saudi Arabia
Fecha: 2013-01-14
Recurso: Medical Education Online

Recurso libre 
Pronóstico gasopetrolífero en la asociación ofiolítica cubana aplicando modelación matemática, Pronóstico gasopetrolífero en la asociación ofiolítica cubana aplicando modelación matemática
Gómez-Herrera, J. E. - Rodríguez-Morán, O. - Valladares-Amaro, S. - Ruiz-Shulcloper, J. - Pico-Peña, R. - Echevarría-Rodríguez, G. - Tenreyro-Pérez, R. - Otero-Marrero, R. - Cheremisina, E. - Cruz-Toledo, R. - Barceló-Carol, G. - Alvarez-Castro, J. - Barea-Centeno, M. - García-Sánchez, R.
Formato: ,
Fecha: 2013-04-14
Recurso: Revistas UNAM

Recurso libre 
Integrating Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences
Moten, Abdul Rashid; International Islamic University Malaysia
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion,
Fecha: 2013-04-07
Recurso: Intellectual Discourse

Recurso libre 
Business Innovation through knowledge sharing: An applied study on the Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Sector
Sliat, Rima Khader - Alnsour, Muhammed S.
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, Peer-reviewed Article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2013-07-31
Recurso: European Journal of Business and Management

Recurso libre 
Prospects and Problems of Educating Information Professionals in Knowledge Industry for Future Change
A., Olatoye, Mukaila .
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, Peer-reviewed Article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2013-07-31
Recurso: Information and knowledge management

Recurso libre 
A Conceptual Framework for Construction of Teacher-made Computer Educational Software Package for Communicating Chemical Concepts to Secondary School Students
Okorie, Eugene U. - Akubuilo, Francis
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, Peer-reviewed Article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2013-07-31
Recurso: Chemestry and Materials Research

Recurso libre 
Editorial Board & Publication Information
Editor, Editor
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion,
Fecha: 2013-07-01
Recurso: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

Recurso libre 
La comunicación durante la intervención didáctica del entrenador. Consideraciones para el desarrollo del conocimiento táctico y la mejora en la toma de decisiones en baloncesto. (Communication during the didactic intervention of the coach considerations for the development of tactial knowledge and the improvement in decision making in basketball).
Iglesias, Damián - Cárdenas, David - Alarcón, Francisco
Fecha: 2013-03-07
Recurso: CCD: Cultura, ciencia, deporte