Título: DLSITE-1: lexical analysis for solving textual entailment recognition
Autores: Ferrández Escámez, Óscar
Micol Ponce, Daniel
Muñoz Guillena, Rafael
Palomar Sanz, Manuel
Fecha: 2007-12-11
Publicador: RUA Docencia
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Textual entailment
Lexical analysis
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
Descripción: This paper discusses the recognition of textual entailment in a text-hypothesis pair by applying a wide variety of lexical measures. We consider that the entailment phenomenon can be tackled from three general levels: lexical, syntactic and semantic. The main goals of this research are to deal with this phenomenon from a lexical point of view, and achieve high results considering only such kind of knowledge. To accomplish this, the information provided by the lexical measures is used as a set of features for a Support Vector Machine which will decide if the entailment relation is produced. A study of the most relevant features and a comparison with the best state-of-the-art textual entailment systems is exposed throughout the paper. Finally, the system has been evaluated using the Second PASCAL Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge data and evaluation methodology, obtaining an accuracy rate of 61.88%.
QALL-ME consortium, 6º Programa Marco, Unión Europea, referencia del proyecto FP6-IST-033860. Gobierno de España, proyecto CICyT número TIN2006-1526-C06-01.
Idioma: Inglés

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