Título: Apropriação da inovação em agrotecnologias: estudo multicasos em universidades brasileiras
Appropriation of agrotechnology innovation: multicases study in brazilian univerties
Autores: De Benedicto, Samuel Carvalho
Fecha: 2014-08-21
Publicador: Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA
Tipo: tese
Tema: Universidade pública
Apropriação direta e indireta
Benefícios tangíveis e intangíveis
Public university
Appropriation direct and indirect
Tangible and intangible benefits
Descripción: At present, there is a global driving towards the concept of universities as protagonists of production of knowledge and generation of technological innovation for the society. To meet that new reality, universities have been challenged to change traditional structures and to seek new strategies which allow them to generate technologies useful to the government, productive sector and communities. When incorporated to the society, those technologies take over the status of "innovation", passing to generate appropriability (or appropriation) and a set of benefits both tangible and intangible. The objective of this research work is investigating the mechanisms of appropriation of the innovations in public. For such a purpose, a multicases study of qualitative nature was performed in three public universities traditionally turned to the "Innovation in Agrarian Sciences or Agrotechnologies": University of São Paulo (USP) - Piracicaba Campus, Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The study concluded that the universities investigated performed a set of changes (policy, administrative, cultural, strategic, normative) in order to establish mechanisms of direct (legal assets) and indirect (complementary assets) appropriation and collect tangible and intangible benefits. An important finding is that the intangible benefits (patents, trade marks, licensings, organizational arrangements) are the generators of tangible benefits (material, physical, financial, human resources) and, at a second moment, the tangible benefits will be able to generate other intangible benefits (domain of new technologies, new operational arrangements, improvement of performance, new schedule of research, new market strategies) creating a vicious circle. However, the appropriation mechanisms and the benefits owing to it can only occur in a dynamic context which involves the setting external to the university (policies, laws, public and private financing of research, technological needs of market, competitors and users of technologies, expectative of the society, among others) and internal (managerial/technological/marketing view, standardization, culture, human resources, R&D structure, diverse resources). The study stressed that the benefits owing to the appropriation in the universities extrapolate the institutional setting and reach the society (government, enterprises, communities and persons). Such economic and social benefits (creation of jobs, increase and distribution of income, taxes, promotion of new productive arrangements, local or regional technological subside, technological subside to the National Innovation System, new public policies of development to P&D and C&T) can also be regarded as "forms of social appropriation". The study concludes with the proposition of a framework showing all the elements and formulations related to ownership and discussing the possibilities of a generalization of the synthesis picture with the application of it into other universities which also produce agrotechnologies. Such a generalization will also be able to contribute an analytical parameter to the universities which produce technologies different from agrotechnologies, although some adaptation is necessary. For this being a novel study in Brazil, the universities generating "diverse technologies" start to have a parameter which can help them in the process of management of the appropriability of the innovations.
Idioma: pt_BR

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