Título: Examining adaptability of individuals in complex, virtual ecosystems
Autores: Abbyad, Marc P.
Fecha: 2006
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Adaptation (Biology) -- Computer simulation.
Ecosystem management -- Computer simulation.
Descripción: Natural ecosystems are dynamic and complex, with many being threatened by human activity. However, humans can also be at the root of a solution to this problem by developing ecosystem engineering which can be used to design, construct, modify, upgrade, repair, remediate, and maintain ecosystems. The aim of this project was to improve virtual ecosystems that can be used to increase the knowledge base for ecological engineering by studying adaptability as a factor for the success of species. This was done by analysing adaptive species in a virtual ecosystem, a computer application with which various configurations can be designed and studied in a closed environment. The virtual ecosystems used in this project represent ecosystems in general rather than any specific ecosystem, and allow for repeatable test cases to be run so that ecosystem dynamics can be studied. Adaptability was defined as the ability of an individual to adjust to a short term environmental pressure according to two factors: the adaptation speed, which is how fast an individual can respond to a change in environment, and the adaptive capacity, which is a quantitative indicator of how much the individual is able to adapt. In this project, experiments were performed to determine the effects of adaptability when applied to one aspect of individuals in an ecosystem. From the results of the experiments it was seen that the adaptation speed value could affect the success of a producer species in an ecosystem both positively and negatively. It was also found that ecosystems with both a consumer and producer species could persist longer when adaptability was incorporated into the individuals of the consumer species.
Idioma: en