Título: Measuring and improving the runtime behaviour of aspectJ programs
Autores: Goard, Christopher.
Fecha: 2005
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Computer Science.
Descripción: AspectJ is a popular aspect-oriented extension to Java, providing powerful new features for the modularizing of crosscutting concerns, promising improved code quality. The runtime cost of these features, however, is currently not well understood, and is a concern limiting even more wide-spread adoption of the language. The crosscutting nature of AspectJ complicates the measurement of these costs.
This thesis presents a methodology for analyzing the runtime behaviour of AspectJ programs, with a particular emphasis on identifying runtime overheads resulting from the implementation of AspectJ features. It presents a taxonomy of overhead kinds and defines some new AspectJ-specific dynamic metrics. A toolset for measuring these metrics is described, including both of the current AspectJ compilers: ajc and abc, and results for a newly collected set of AspectJ benchmarks are presented.
Significant overheads are found in some cases, suggesting improvements to the code generation strategy of the AspectJ compilers. Initial implementations of some improvements are presented, resulting, for some benchmarks, in order of magnitude improvements to execution time. These improvements have since been integrated in abc and ajc.
Clearly understanding the runtime behaviour of AspectJ programs should result in both better implementations of the language and more confident adoption by the mainstream.
Idioma: en