Título: Research on Form-Focused Instruction in Immersion Classrooms: Implications for Theory and Practice
Autores: Lyster, Roy
Fecha: 2004
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: article (journal)
peer reviewed
Tema: French as a Second Language Learning
Immersion Programs
French as a Second Language Instruction
Grammatical Categories
Address Forms
Communicative Competence
Language Teaching Methods
Mood (Grammatical)
Gender (Grammatical)
Descripción: This article presents a comparative analysis of five quasi-experimental studies involving close to 1,200 students, ranging in age from 7 to 14, in 49 French immersion classrooms in Canada - a content-based instructional context where learners develop high levels of communicative ability yet demonstrate a leveling-off effect in their grammatical development. The studies investigated the effects of form-focused instruction on four areas known to be difficult for Anglophone learners of French: perfect vs imperfect past tense, conditional mood, second-person pronouns, & grammatical gender. Findings suggest that effective form-focused instruction in immersion contexts, at least with respect to interlanguage features that have reached a developmental plateau, includes a balanced distribution of opportunities for noticing, language awareness, & controlled practice with feedback. Less effective instructional options overemphasize negotiation for meaning in oral tasks where message comprehensibility & communication strategies circumvent the need for learners to move beyond the use of interlanguage forms.
Idioma: eng