Título: Interactional Feedback and Instructional Counterbalance
Autores: Lyster, Roy
Mori, Hirohide
Fecha: 2006
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: article (journal)
peer reviewed
Tema: Feedback
Elementary Education
Educational Activities
Immersion Programs
French as a Second Language Learning
Classroom Communication
Descripción: This comparative analysis of teacher-student interaction in two different instructional settings at the elementary-school level (18.3 hr in French immersion & 14.8 hr Japanese immersion) investigates the immediate effects of explicit correction, recasts, & prompts on learner uptake & repair. The results clearly show a predominant provision of recasts over prompts & explicit correction, regardless of instructional setting, but distinctively varied student uptake & repair patterns in relation to feedback type, with the largest proportion of repair resulting from prompts in French immersion & from recasts in Japanese immersion. Based on these findings & supported by an analysis of each instructional setting's overall communicative orientation, we introduce the counterbalance hypothesis, which states that instructional activities & interactional feedback that act as a counterbalance to a classroom's predominant communicative orientation are likely to prove more effective than instructional activities & interactional feedback that are congruent with its predominant communicative orientation.
Idioma: eng