Título: Environmental applications of enzymes
Autores: Nicell, Jim A.
Fecha: 2001
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: article (journal)
Descripción: Enzymatic processes fall between the two traditional categories of chemical and biological treatment systems since they involve chemical reactions based on the action of biological catalysts. A variety of enzymes from plants and microorganisms have been reported to play important roles in an array of waste treatment applications. Before the full potential of enzymes may be realized, a number of significant issues remain to be addressed. These include: development of low-cost sources of enzymes in quantities that are required at the industrial scale; demonstration of the feasibility of utilizing enzymes efficiently under the conditions encountered during wastewater treatment; characterization of reaction products and assessment of their impact on downstream processes or on the environment in which they are released; and identification of methods for the disposal of solid residues, among others.
Idioma: eng