Título: Relationship between the parathyroid and the gastric glands in the dog : the experimental production of peptic ulcer.
Autores: Schiffrin, Milton J.
Fecha: 1941
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Peptic ulcer.
Descripción: Our knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms of gastric secretion is still incomplete. The cells which secrete acid or pepsin have been identified, but the secretory process is as yet unknown. Fortunately, certain of the factors which influence gastric secretion are known, and this knowledge enables us to control our experimental procedures so that standards of gastric secretion may be obtained. Pavlov described his gastric pouch as a mirror of the main stomach. It is no less true that many bodily states are mirrored and reflected by the gastro-intestinal tract, especially the stomach. This would justify a study of the relationship between the stomach and some other organ or gland which controls some aspect of the internal environment of the body. Such a study might not only determine the inter-glandular relationship but might give us an insight into the normal functions of the glands by making more conspicuous those subtle differences which are usually obscured.[...] The purpose of this study was to make an investigation of the relationship between the parathyroid and gastric glands and the factors concerned in the production of ulceration of the gastro-intestinal tract. The data to be presented in this thesis represent the results of about 350 experiments and over 6,000 separate analyses. [...]
Idioma: en