Título: Micromineral determination of minerals.
Autores: Yu, Pei Liang.
Fecha: 1947.
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Geological Science.
Descripción: Microchem1cal analysis 1s one of the many methode used in the chemical examonat1on of minerale. This method requires a petrigraphie microscope and also a knowledge of optical moneralogy. Since the mocrochemical method requires only a small sample, it is preferable to other methods in determinative mineralogy. The purpose of this paper 1s to present a dascr1pt1on ot the character1st1c reactions and of the optical properties of the resultant crystalline precipitates of certain common elements. The optical constants are worked out in detail, in so far as the technique used permits. It will be noted that a number of these are not in complete agreement with those given in author1tat1ve tables. An attempt has been made to 1nterpret the interference reactions resulting from the test solution of some complex minerale with the reagents, in the hope that they may prove usetul to the detection of cations and, theretore, to the determination of the composition of minerale.[...]
Idioma: en