Título: The level of aspiration of job applicants.
Autores: Sofin, Rosalie A.
Fecha: 1947
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Descripción: In our society a man’s occupation is of prime importance in his life. It determines his social and economic status, his associates, his leisure activities, hie entire mode or life. Discrepancy between the kind of job a person has and the kind of job he would like to have, tends to lead to job dissatisfaction and frequent shifting of jobs which may seriously affect personality and emotional adjustment. Since occupational aspirations are salient factors in job satisfaction, and thereby in the total adjustment of the individual, studies of the level of aspiration of job applicants have important implications for vocational guidance. Knowledge of an individual’s vocational hopes and expections, as well as an assessment of his vocational potentialities, may point out the way in which he can best be assisted in finding the job which most adequately meets his qualifications, his interests and his needs.
Idioma: en