Título: Studies on the excretion of corticosterone metabolites in the rat
Autores: Wong, Kai C.
Fecha: 1967.
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Investigative Medicine.
Descripción: Corticosterone was the first biologically active hormone to be isolated from adrenal gland extracts (Reichstein, 1937; Mason et al., 1937). It is the major secretory product of the rat adrenal. Its production is greatly increased by ACTH and stimuli provoking the release of ACTH. Little knowledge exists regarding the mechanism and mode in which corticosterone is excreted by the rat even though this animal is one of the most widely used species for physiological and behavioural studies related to adrenal function. This investigation was initiated in the hope of isolating a characteristic and readily measured catabolite of corticosterone, which would permit an assessment of adrenal function of the rat without sacrificing or stressing the animal.
Idioma: en