Título: Studies on the Mesostigmata and Trombidiformes (Acarina) of two Quebec woodland humus forms.
Autores: Marshall, Valin. G.
Fecha: 1963
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Agronomy.
Descripción: The present investigation in Soil Zoology was initiated in 1960 at Macdonald College, McGill University. The problems relative to the study of the soil fauna are complex, requiring at the very outset, not only familiarity with the soil itself but also some knowledge of the many diverse groups of animals encountered. The aid of specialists for the difficult task of identifying the animals normally round in the soil, also, is almost indispensable (Alvarado and Selga, 1962). The project here discussed is limited to the study of two suborders of Acarina, the Mesostigmata and Trombidiformes of two Quebec woodland humus forms.
Idioma: en