Título: The biology of the ringer seal (Phoca hispida Schreber) in the waters of southwest Baffin Island.
Autores: McLaren, Ian. A.
Fecha: 1955
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Zoology.
Descripción: The ringed seal, Phoca hispida, is a widely ranging hair seal inhabiting arctic and subarctic waters (as defined by Dunbar, 1951) of the entire northern hemisphere. In North American continental waters it is found from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (rarely; Fisher, 1950) across the Canadian arctic to the Bering Sea. No overall biological study has been made of this seal in North America. Much of our knowledge comes from Eskimo observations and much of what is presumed from these sources has not been checked by sound observation and collection.
Idioma: en