Título: Impact of Labor and Delivery Simulation Classes in Undergraduate Medical Learning
Autores: A, Reynolds
D, Ayres-de-Campos
LF, Bastos
WL, van Meurs
J, Bernardes
Fecha: 1969-12-31
Publicador: Medical Education Online
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Introducation: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact on knowledge and learner satis­faction of adding a labour and delivery simulator-based training module versus a self-study session to the pre-existing theoretical class, in the 5th year undergraduate medical curriculum. Methods: One hundred and fifty seven students attending the 5-week Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation were enrolled, and 107 completed the study. After a 90-minute “labour and delivery” theo­retical interactive class, students were randomized to two groups: the first (n=56) participated in a 30-minute supervised self-study session, while the second (n=51) attended a 20-30 minute delivery simulator session. Tests consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions were taken before the theoreti­cal class (pre-test), after the self-study or simulation session (1st post-test) and 12-15 days later (2nd post-test). A subgroup of 53 students participating in this study (27 from the simulation and 26 from the self-study arm) answered six additional questions on satisfaction with the learning experience, at the time of the 1st post-test. Wilcoxon paired rank sum test, Wilcoxon T test, and z-statistic with continuity correction were employed for statistical analysis, setting significance at p
Idioma: Inglés

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