Título: Ejercicio De Ciudadanía Participativa Desde El Aula, De Los Estudiantes Del Colegio “Dr. Eduardo Granja Garcés” Del Cantón Pedro Carbo, Provincia Del Guayas, En El Periodo Lectivo 2006-2007
Autores: Peñaherrera Alvarado, Miguel Enrique
Robalino Peñaherrera, Eliud Isaac
Fecha: 2009-12-28
Publicador: Guaranda: Universidad Estatal de Bolivar
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Tesis
Descripción: This work constitutes a descriptive Research about the participative citizenship exercise, in the Science Education faculty of the Bolivar State University. In the local level, province and National, it is not considered important the student participation, we unfledged the young potential, maybe because of the fear of the criticism of the teachers, they authorities, parents, government and their laws, everything about their rights and responsibilities, in other words they must ask for their work, they have done or not on behalf of the kids and children. what valve could count on the effort, talent and energy of the youngs to make changes in the education structures and socials, with the effective participation, affective, active about the human resource, given, the Student have needs, problems, questions, wishes, this must be considered by the authorities and teachers because they can to put into port to get changes and the teachers must guide, those potential by means of the participation. Reason by we propose the following problem. The no exercise of participative citizenship and the lack of organize structures influence in the leadership, motivation self steen and taking personal decisions and socials, of the educational community. Concomitante to the problem arises to general objective. To know the importance and application the students give to the National “Dr. Eduardo Granja Garces” High school to the exercise of participative cititenslip, to strengthen their integral formation, in the lective period 2.006-2.007.
Idioma: Español
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