Título: Gathering and Analyzing Web Use Statistics: A Practical Tutorial for Archivists
Autores: Szajewski, Michael G.
Fecha: 2012-05-10
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Presentation
Tema: Web statistics and information science
Web statistics and librarianship
Google Analytics
Web statistics
Google Analytics and librarianship
Google Analytics and information science
Descripción: This presentation discusses the development of a strategy for tracking and analyzing web use statistics for the better management of an online presence for archival repositories. By gathering these statistics, archival repositories can access data to inform the creation of web content, evaluate the successes of digital outreach efforts, gain a better understanding of how digital patrons access and navigate online material, and support arguments for funding of digital initiatives.
This presentation was given at the Society of Indiana Archivists Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN on April 28, 2012.
Idioma: No aplica