Título: Building a web-based tool to support clinical decisions in the control of Chlamydia trachomatisand Neisseria gonorrhoeaeinfections
Autores: Zhao, Kun
Qiu, Fasheng
Chen, Guantao
Fecha: 2013-12-20
Publicador: BioMed Central Ltd.
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Proceedings
Tema: sexually transmitted diseases, mathematical model, optimization, Model-View-Controller architecture, clinical decision support, public health
Descripción: Abstract Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) are the agents of two common, sexually transmitted diseases afflicting women in the United States ( http://www.cdc.gov ). We designed a novel web-based application that offers simple recommendations to help optimize medical outcomes with CT and GC prevention and control programs. This application takes population groups, prevalence rates, parameters for available screening assays and treatment regimens (costs, sensitivity, and specificity), as well as budget limits as inputs. Its output suggests optimal screening and treatment strategies for selected at-risk groups, commensurate with the clinic's budget allocation. Development of this tool illustrates how a clinical informatics application based on rigorous mathematics might have a significant impact on real-world clinical issues.
Idioma: Inglés