Título: A shrinkage-thresholding projection method for sparsest solutions of LCPs
Autores: Shang, Meijuan
Nie, Cuiping
Fecha: 2014-01-31
Publicador: BioMed Central Ltd.
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Research
Tema: linear complementarity problems, sparsest solutions, l1 regularized minimization, shrinkage-thresholding operator, convergence
Descripción: Abstract In this paper, we study the sparsest solutions of linear complementarity problems (LCPs), which study has many applications, such as bimatrix games and portfolio selections. Mathematically, the underlying model is NP-hard in general. By transforming the complementarity constraints into a fixed point equation with projection type, we propose an l 1 regularization projection minimization model for relaxation. Through developing a thresholding representation of solutions for a key subproblem of this regularization model, we design a shrinkage-thresholding projection (STP) algorithm to solve this model and also analyze convergence of STP algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate that the STP method can efficiently solve this regularized model and get a sparsest solution of LCP with high quality. MSC: 90C33, 90C26, 90C90.
Idioma: Inglés