Título: Integrating an Academic Plan and a Campus Master Plan: The Case of the University of Northern British Columbia
Autores: Weller, Geoffrey R.
Soleau, David S.
Fecha: 1996-04-30
Publicador: Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Tipo: other
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The University o f Northern British Columbia was the first completely new university to be built in Canada in nearly thirty years. This article discusses the process by which the Academic Plan for the university and other considerations were given physical expression in the campus Master Plan. It begins with a detailing of the planning process used. This is followed by a discussion of the review that was conducted of previous university planning models. This review was intended to determine which were the most applicable and to determine if a distinctive model for a northern university could be devised. The article then analyses how the Academic Plan influenced the campus Master Plan in six key areas. It then reviews how non-academic client considerations, regional and community considerations, and site and climatic considerations were incorporated into the campus Master Plan. The article concludes by not- ing that the process resulted in the creation of a distinctive northern cam- pus design that has proven to be both popular and successful.
Idioma: No aplica

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