Título: Factors Affecting Response Rate and Response Speed in a Mail Survey of Part-Time University Students
Autores: Moss, Gwenna M.
Fecha: 1981-12-31
Publicador: Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Tipo: research-article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This paper reports the results of an experiment to determine the effects of questionnaire format, reminder format, and followup format on both response rate and response speed in a mail survey. Complete responses were received from 2212 of a sample of 2638 part- time university students, a rate of 83.8%. Mean response time was 16.09 days. Results indicated that: (1) typeset questionnaires were more effective than photocopied question- naires in terms of both response rate and speed; (2) the use of reminder postcards signifi- cantly increased both rate and speed; (3) there was no advantage in hand-addressed reminders over computer-produced labels; and (4) sending a replacement questionnaire as opposed to only a followup letter did not significantly increase response rate, but follow- up format interacted with questionnaire format in influencing response speed.
Idioma: No aplica

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