Título: Social Science Research in The University: An Examination of the Views of Harry Cassidy and Harold Innis
Autores: Irving, Allan
Fecha: 1980-06-30
Publicador: Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Tipo: research-article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Harry Cassidy and Harold Innis, both of the University of Toronto, and both notable Canadian academics, became well known in their respective fields: Cassidy in social welfare and Innis in economic history. This article examines their quite individual approaches to university social science research during the 1940's. Cassidy's orientation was pragmatic and motivated by a Fabian outlook that a carefully laid foundation of facts was necessary in the process of social reform and for the development of progressive social welfare policies. Innis's approach to social science research was much more speculative and historical. It was his contention that long-range social science research carried out by universities could contribute to the restoration of a declining Western civilization. Since he never fully developed his position on research, this account is a synthesis based on his essays. This article, based on material in the University of Toronto Archives, reviews Cassidy's attempts during the forties to have an Institute for Research established at the University of Toronto, which would conduct research into problems of social security in Canada. Some current concerns regarding social science research in the university are discussed in the conclusion.
Idioma: No aplica

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