Título: Canadian Institutes in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Autores: Forster, Audrey
McKinnirey, John
Fecha: 1976-08-31
Publicador: Canadian Journal of Higher Education
Tipo: research-article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This paper discusses the effectiveness and ultimate value of the growing number of research institutes in the humanities and social sciences. It looks at the different types in existence and their geographic distribution. It considers the motivation for and obstacles to establishing research institutes, points to the difficulties involved in their funding and operation and outlines arguments put forward by their proponents. Illustrated with examples are different objectives and functions of various kinds of institutes, their organizational structure and their relationship to the universities. The Max-Planck Institutes in Germany and Institutes of the Social Science Research Council in Britain are described. The paper concludes with a sketch of three fundamental types of institute, each with its own rationale: the academic Utopia, the small-scale institute for research in the humanities and the problem-solving or mission-oriented institute.
Idioma: No aplica

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