Título: Age and gender differences in Body Mass Index, ocular, and back disorders in 8-12-year old children
Autores: Zurita Ortega, Félix
Cepero González, Mar
Ruiz Rodríguez, Luis
Linares Girela, Daniel
Cachón Zagalaz, Javier
Zurita Molina, Félix
Fecha: 2012-01-11
Publicador: RUA Docencia
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: IMC
School health
Educación Física y Deportiva
Descripción: The influence of sedentarism on the increase in obesity can now be confirmed. In this sense, attention should be paid to the importance of those working in school environments. The sample group was made up of 2,956 participants from 19 schools in the province of Granada. The aim of this study was to determine levels of obesity, spinal alterations and ocular pathologies in the Primary school population of the province of Granada (Spain) as well as any possible gender and age related variations. The results showed that 26.3% of the schoolchildren suffered from obesity, 24.5% from spinal disorders (16% with scoliosis and 8.5% with hyperkyphosis) and 12.5% from myopia. By pathologies, it should be mentioned that the children with hyperkyphosis were more obese and, in addition, the myopia variable did not related with body mass index levels. The results indicate the need to develop training and physical exercise programmes to prevent and treat child obesity, and spinal alterations.
Idioma: Inglés

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