Título: Mobile agents and mobile devices: friendship or difficult relationship?
Autores: Urra, Óscar
Ilarri Artigas, Sergio
Trillo Lado, Raquel
Mena Nieto, Eduardo
Fecha: 2009-11-20
Publicador: RUA Docencia
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Mobile agents
Mobile devices
Mobile agent platforms
Wireless and mobile environments
Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Descripción: Mobile agent technology has traditionally been recognized as a very useful approach to build applications for mobile computing and wireless environments. However, only a few studies report practical experiences with mobile agents in a mobile medium. This leads us to the following question: can current mobile agent platforms be used effectively in environments with mobile devices? In this paper, we study existing mobile agent platforms by analyzing if they are suitable or not in a mobile environment. We identify some key missing features in the platforms and highlight the requirements and challenges that lie ahead. With this work, we expose existing problems and hope to motivate further research in the area.
This work was supported by the CICYT project TIN2007-68091-C02-02.
Idioma: Inglés

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