Título: Thick phase holographic gratings recorded on BB-640 and PFG-01 silver halide materials
Autores: Neipp López, Cristian
Márquez Ruiz, Andrés
Pascual Villalobos, Inmaculada
Beléndez Vázquez, Augusto
Fecha: 2009-01-30
Publicador: RUA Docencia
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Holography
Volume holograms
Holographic recording materials
Photographic emulsions
Física Aplicada
Descripción: Photographic emulsions are still widely used to record holographic optical elements. In particular, if high diffraction efficiencies are needed, phase volume holograms are preferably recorded on these emulsions. Two particular techniques producing high-quality volume phase holograms are fixation-free rehalogenating bleaching and the use of silver-halide-sensitized gelatin. In this work we compare these two particular techniques applied to three different red-sensitive emulsions: Agfa 8E75 HD, BB-640, and Slavich PFG-01 emulsions. The differences between these emulsions determine the particular experimental conditions needed to record high-quality volume holograms on them. In this work these differences are analysed, and also their influence on the experimental procedure.
Idioma: Inglés

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