Título: Nematodoe parasites of Egyptian rodents.
Autores: Mensah-Dappa, W. S.
Fecha: 1954
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Parasitology.
Descripción: The entire rodent collection sent to the Institute of Parasitology from Egypt by Dr. R. E. Kuntz and Mr. G. M. Malakatis was made up of Cestodes, Trematodes and Nematodes from ten genera of rodents. This thesis deals with two of these genera of rodents and has for its subject matter the nematode parasites of the house mouse (Mus musculus) and the house rat (Rattus rattus) in Egypt. [...] The study of parasites found in the house mouse and the house rat has more than a purely scientific significance, for the direct association of these rodents with man, his dwellings, and his domesticated animals, gives them a prominence in his economic and public health aspects of life. This prominence is shared by only a few other animals. Not only do rats and mice carry arthropods which serve as vectors of human parasites but also they carry parasites directly to man and his domesticated animals by contamination of food and drink; in fact, they also share certain parasites or very closely related forms with man. Their economic importance is more or less inseparable from the health problems which their closeness to man and his domestic animals brings. A solution of the problems arising from this close association depends in part on a knowledge of the parasites harboured by these rodents. This thesis is concerned with the classification of some of the common nematode parasites found inhabiting the digestive tract of the Egyptian house rats (Rattus rattus) and house mice (mus musculus).
Idioma: en