Título: A sampling method for the study of rural land use.
Autores: Lash, Harry Newton.
Fecha: 1948.
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Soils.
Economic geography.
Descripción: The land use survey is becoming an increasingly important item in geographic studies. This is especially so when such studies are undertaken for the solution of land use problems, because a knowledge of the present use of the land is usually deemed basic to efficient physical planning. Canada has many land use problems which need to be solved if the natural resources of the nation are to be conserved for the welfare of present and future generations. But Canada is a country of wide extent and scattered population, so that her geographers, few in number, need to find some method of survey which will enable them to study large areas with a minimum expenditure of time and money. [...]
Idioma: en