Título: A traverse of the Romaine River to establish ground control for the interpretation of aerial photographs.
Autores: Drummond, Robert Norman.
Fecha: 1950
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Geography.
Descripción: The vegetation of Labrador-Ungava has long attracted the attention of explorers, naturalists and other scientists who have made numerous studies at various places in the vast Peninsula. Due to the inaccessibility of much of this inhospitable land, it has been impossible to undertake many extensive ground surveys in the interior and consequently most studies in the past have been confined to the coastal areas. In recent years there have been several surveys conducted in the interior, but the nature of the country will prevent much detailed ground work for many years to come. Nearly all of Labrador-Ungava has, however, been photographed from the air and, within one or two years, aerial photographic coverage should be available for the whole Peninsula. From these photographs much knowledge may be gleaned, and it only remains for interested people to take advantage of this wealth of information. In order to interpret the aerial photographs it is necessary to establish areas of ground-control at which the photographs are studied on the ground and variations in the appearance of the photographs are correlated with variations on the ground. It was the purpose of the present investigation to make such a study and correlation.
Idioma: en