Título: Studies on the nature of resistance of plants to diseases. The effect of Puccinia graminis tritici Eriks, and Henn. infection on the respiration and carbon assimilation of resistant and susceptible wheat plants.
Autores: Jain, Abir. C.
Fecha: 1958
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Plant Pathology.
Descripción: Wheat, an important food crop of the world, suffers from a number of diseases which cause a heavy loss to the growers every year. Stem rust (Puccinia graminis tritici Eriks. and Henn.) is one of these serious diseases and it often occurs in an epiphytotic form. It is a common observation that some wheat varieties are very susceptible to a particular rust race and are sometimes completely destroyed while other varieties prove to be resistant. The knowledge of these facts led plant pathologists to realise the importance of resistant varieties and to study the nature of resistance to this disease.
Idioma: en