Título: Guidance in democratic education.
Autores: Farrell, Edna. P.
Fecha: 1954
Publicador: McGill University - MCGILL
Tipo: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Tema: Education.
Descripción: This study is based on the thesis that all education should be liberal in curriculum, method, instruction, and administration. It should mean full development- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual- of free men guided by free men. Its foundation should be the ideal of all true faiths and of democracy itself, viz, duty towards God, and a Vision of Greatness and duty towards one’s neighbour, as a goal of unselfish service. It should practice Greek philosophy in striving for knowledge as Goodness, found in all true Religion; as Beauty, learned through the Arts; as Truth, found in Science, as well as in Art and Religion.
Idioma: en