Título: Zara: Imagen de marca internacional y debut en la venta online en Europa occidental
Zara: International brand image and fashion site launch in Western Europe
Zara: International brand image and fashion site launch in Western Europe
Autores: Martínez Caraballo, Noemí; Universidad de Zaragoza
Fecha: 2011-11-03
Publicador: Intangible capital
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: economics; management
e-commerce, retailing, Inditex Group, brand image, Zara
L67, L81
comercio electrónico, distribución, Grupo Inditex, imagen de marca, Zara
L67, L81
e-commerce, retailing, Inditex Group, brand image, Zara
L67, L81
Descripción: Objeto: Zara abrió en España, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido, Italia y Portugal su tienda online en la campaña otoño/invierno 2010. Se trata de un paso estratégico importante, encuadrado en la búsqueda que el Grupo Inditex realiza diariamente para ofrecer el mejor servicio a los clientes en todo el mundo. El presente trabajo analiza la notoriedad de marca de Zara y las posibilidades que plantea Internet como herramienta de comunicación y como canal de distribución.Diseño/metodología: Se presenta un análisis descriptivo de la experiencia de Zara desde el lanzamiento de zara.com desde septiembre de 2010. Se muestra, además, un análisis comparativo respecto a dos de sus competidores: H&M y Mango.Resultados: Se observa cómo Zara parece estar superando en alcance y en número de páginas vistas a Mango, pero todavía no alcanza los niveles de H&M, a nivel internacional.Limitaciones: Se trata de un artículo descriptivo; no se han podido analizar con detalle los resultados de la venta online de Zara debido a su reciente incorporación en este canal de distribución y a que la política del Grupo Inditex es esperar a que transcurran doce meses de funcionamiento de la tienda virtual para ofrecer los primeros resultados.Implicaciones prácticas: Conocer la estrategia emprendida por Zara y sus competidores para, a través del comercio electrónico, lograr consolidar su imagen de marca internacional. Ello permite perfilar recomendaciones para los gestores y que la incursión en el canal de venta online sea un éxito.Valor añadido: Dada la situación de recesión económica en que nos encontramos y debido al papel protagonista que está tomando el sector textil en la comercialización y venta online en España en los últimos meses, el comercio electrónico en el sector textil resulta un tema de gran actualidad. Además, se centra en una de las empresas españolas que más estudios ha acaparado gracias a su indudable éxito.
Purpose: Zara launched its e-store in Spain, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Portugal in the campaign fall/winter 2010. This is an important strategic step; aligned with the search that Inditex daily performs to provide the best customer service worldwide. This paper aims to analyse the international awareness of this notorious fast-fashion firm and the importance of electronic retailing as a communication tool and as a significant growing channel of distribution for fashion merchandise.Design/methodology: A descriptive analysis of Zara's experience is presented, since the launch of zara.com in September 2010. It also shows a comparative analysis on two of its competitors: H&M and Mango.Findings: Zara seems to be surpassing Mango in reach and number of page views, but is still below the levels of H&M, worldwide.Research limitations: This is a descriptive article. We have not been able to provide an in-depth study of the results of the online sale of Zara due to its recent inclusion in the distribution channel and due to the Inditex Group's policy that is to wait for twelve months of store activity to publish its first results.Practical implications: Knowing the strategy undertaken by Zara and its competitors through e-commerce in order to consolidate its international brand image, allows us to provide managerial guidelines for successful retailers when implementing a clicks and mortar strategy.Originality/value: Given the economic recession in which we find ourselves and due to the leading role being taken by online selling in the textile in Spain in recent months, e-commerce in the textile sector has emerged as a very important topic. Besides, this study focuses on a Spanish company that has attracted more studies during the last decades due to its undoubted success.
Purpose: Zara launched its e-store in Spain, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Portugal in the campaign fall/winter 2010. This is an important strategic step; aligned with the search that Inditex daily performs to provide the best customer service worldwide. This paper aims to analyse the international awareness of this notorious fast-fashion firm and the importance of electronic retailing as a communication tool and as a significant growing channel of distribution for fashion merchandise.Design/methodology: A descriptive analysis of Zara's experience is presented, since the launch of zara.com in September 2010. It also shows a comparative analysis on two of its competitors: H&M and Mango.Findings: Zara seems to be surpassing Mango in reach and number of page views, but is still below the levels of H&M, worldwide. Research limitations: This is a descriptive article. We have not been able to provide an in-depth study of the results of the online sale of Zara due to its recent inclusion in the distribution channel and due to the Inditex Group's policy that is to wait for twelve months of store activity to publish its first results. Practical implications: Knowing the strategy undertaken by Zara and its competitors through e-commerce in order to consolidate its international brand image, allows us to provide managerial guidelines for successful retailers when implementing a clicks and mortar strategy.Originality/value: Given the economic recession in which we find ourselves and due to the leading role being taken by online selling in the textile in Spain in recent months, e-commerce in the textile sector has emerged as a very important topic. Besides, this study focuses on a Spanish company that has attracted more studies during the last decades due to its undoubted success.
Idioma: Inglés

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