Aproximadamente 273 registro(s) hasta el momento: (knowledge)
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Recurso libre 
Control of Renewable Integrated Systems Targeting Advanced Landmarks
Cirstea, Marcian N.
Formato: Technical Report
Fecha: 2012-08-08
Recurso: Anglia Ruskin University

Recurso libre 
L'encadrement de la thérapie génique : étude comparative de différents modèles normatifs
Cardinal, Geneviève
Formato: Thèse ou Mémoire numérique / Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2012-01-16
Recurso: Université de Montreal

Recurso libre 
Le redoublement, la réussite scolaire et l’objectif de la Scolarisation Primaire Universelle (SPU) d’ici à 2015 dans le cadre de l’Éducation Pour Tous (EPT) : cas du Sénégal à partir des données longitudinales du PASEC
Labé, A. Olivier
Formato: Thèse ou Mémoire numérique / Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2011-11-24
Recurso: Université de Montreal

Recurso libre 
The Role of Top-Down Control by Large Herbivores on the Habitat Specialization of Two Acacia Species in an east African Savanna
Zhou, Iris M.
Formato: Princeton University Senior Theses
Fecha: 2013-07-26
Recurso: Universidad de Princenton

Recurso libre 
La expansión residencial en áreas periurbanas del partido de La Plata, Residential expansion in peri-urban areas of La Plata. Formal-closed and informal-open expansion modalities
Frediani, Julieta C.
Formato: Articulo, Articulo
Fecha: 2013-09-16
Recurso: Unversidad Nacional de La Plata

Recurso libre 
Measuring the Effect of the Perception of Knowledge Management on its Utilization in Public Sector in Jordan: A comparative Study to Determine the Change in the Utilization of Knowledge Management Between 2004 – 2013
Hijazi, Haitham Ali - Al-hroot, Hadeel
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, Peer-reviewed Article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2013-11-29
Recurso: Information and knowledge management

Recurso libre 
Educación para la salud a inmigrantes marroquíes, Health education to Moroccan immigrants
Gentil García, Isabel
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Fecha: 2007-07-16
Recurso: RUA Docencia

Recurso libre 
Impact of Knowledge Management Processes on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study in Institute of Technical Learning –Iraq
Alsalim, Moyaid S. - Mohamed, Nawal Y.
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, Peer-reviewed Article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2013-11-29
Recurso: Information and knowledge management

Recurso libre 
Problemas de adaptación psicosocial de madres de niños portadores de Síndrome de Down, Psycho-social adaptation problems in mothers of children carrying Down Syndrome
Nóbrega Fortes, Allyne - Lopes, Marcos Venícios de Oliveira
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Fecha: 2007-07-16
Recurso: RUA Docencia

Recurso libre 
Design criteria for the development of an institutional learning object repository
Godoy, Roberto - Minni, Hugo - Zarza, Gonzalo - Loyarte, Horacio
Formato: Objeto de conferencia, Objeto de conferencia
Fecha: 2012-10-16
Recurso: Unversidad Nacional de La Plata