Aproximadamente 3818 registro(s) hasta el momento: (knowledge)
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Recurso libre 
La imagen y el calentamiento global
Herrera Merchán, José Luis
Formato: Tesis
Fecha: 2013-07-12
Recurso: Universidad de las Américas

Recurso libre 
Derecho a los Alimentos y Análisis a su última Ley Reformatoria, junto a una propuesta de ley que permita descentralizar el trámite legal ordinario para demandar alimentos
Parra Sarmiento, Christian Rafael
Formato: Tesis
Fecha: 2013-06-28
Recurso: Universidad de las Américas

Recurso libre 
Expert knowledge-holders, knowledge-builders and factual reporters: critical voices in medical genres
Salager-Meyer, Françoise E. - Lewin, Beverly A.
Formato: Texto
Fecha: 2013-10-07
Recurso: Universidad de los Andes Venezuela

Recurso libre 
The Nexus between environmental knowledge and ecotourism attitude among the local youths in Co-educational Secondary Schools in Bondo Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya
WANGA, Joshua Otieno - HAYOMBE, Patrick Odhiambo - ODUNGA, Pius Ongoro - Z.A. ODEDE, Fredrick
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, Peer-reviewed Article,
Fecha: 2013-07-24
Recurso: International Journal of Business and Social Research

Recurso libre 
Open access textbooks and financial sustainability: A case study on Flat World Knowledge
Hilton III, John Levi; Brigham Young University - Wiley, David; Brigham Young University
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, Peer-reviewed, double-blind, case study
Fecha: 2011-05-24
Recurso: The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

Recurso libre 
Risky and Sexual Behaviors Among Young People of the University of Bohol
Pilongo, Leah Wilfreda Echavez; University of Bohol - Aparece, Alma E.; University of Bohol - Tirol, Godofreda O.; University of Bohol
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Fecha: 2013-11-24
Recurso: University of Bohol Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Recurso libre 
Búsqueda y caracterización de subgrupos de pobreza mediante la aplicación de algunas técnicas de minería de datos
Sananes, Marta - Sinha, Surendra P. - Torres Rivas, Elizabeth - Nava P., Luis A.
Formato: Texto
Fecha: 2013-01-31
Recurso: Universidad de los Andes Venezuela

Recurso libre 
Proposed Genetic Classification Algorithm, Propuesta de algoritmo de clasificación genética
González González, José Leandro; Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) - Mar Cornelio, Omar; Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas (UCI)
Fecha: 2013-06-24
Recurso: Revista Cubana de Ingeniería

Recurso libre 
Higher Education Librarians Are Comfortable and Confident With their Teaching Responsibilities and Pedagogical Knowledge
Lê, Mê-Linh; University of Saskatchewan
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, , evidence summary
Fecha: 2011-06-24
Recurso: Evidence based Library and Information practice

Recurso libre 
Online learner self-regulation: Learning presence viewed through quantitative content- and social network analysis
Shea, Peter; University at Albany - State University of New York - Hayes, Suzanne; Empire State College - State University of New York - Uzuner Smith, Sedef; Lamar University - Vickers, Jason; University at Albany - State University of New York - Bidjerano, Temi; Furman University - Gozza-Cohen, Mary; Widener University - Jian, Shou-Bang; University at Albany, State University of New York - Pickett, Alexandra; SUNY System Administration - Wilde, Jane; University at Albany - State University of New York - Tseng, Chi-Hua; Empire State College
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, Peer-reviewed, double-blind, mixed methods
Fecha: 2013-06-24
Recurso: The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning