Aproximadamente 1174 registro(s) hasta el momento: (knowledge)
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Recurso libre 
India: multiple dialogues, India: diálogos múltiples
Gautam, Vinayshil
Formato: Texto
Fecha: 2009-08-11
Recurso: Universidad de los Andes Venezuela

Recurso libre 
Plan de Empresa Virtual Gnosis
Abdala Manotas, Nayib Gussen - González Morales, Nadia Heine
Formato: bachelorThesis
Fecha: 2009-11-25
Recurso: Universidad del Rosario, Colombia

Recurso libre 
Soutenir le cheminement de stage d’apprentis enseignants au secondaire par un environnement d’apprentissage hybride / Supporting the advancement of student-teachers in their practica with the use of a hybrid learning environment, Soutenir le cheminement de stage d’apprentis enseignants au secondaire par un environnement d’apprentissage hybride / Supporting the advancement of student-teachers in their practica with the use of a hybrid learning environment
Allaire, Stéphane; Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, research-article
Fecha: 2009-03-25
Recurso: Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology

Recurso libre 
Endorsement of Couples Counseling in a Domestic Violence Case as a Function of Training
Mona Bapat; ASU Counseling Psychology - Terence Tracey; ASU Counseling Psychology
Formato: , Quasi-experimental
Fecha: 2009-09-25
Recurso: CI: Current issues in education

Recurso libre 
A framework for identifying and promoting metacognitive knowledge and control in online discussants, A framework for identifying and promoting metacognitive knowledge and control in online discussants
Murphy, Elizabeth; Memorial University
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, research-article
Fecha: 2009-03-25
Recurso: Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology

Recurso libre 
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Formato: journal
Fecha: 2009-12-30
Recurso: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ

Recurso libre 
Copper Toxicity and Public Health: An Investigation of Copper’s Effects on Pathogens and Human Health
Hsiao, Florence S.
Formato: Princeton University Senior Theses
Fecha: 2013-07-22
Recurso: Universidad de Princenton

Recurso libre 
Michel Foucault: la emergencia de una historia crítica, Michel Foucault: the emergency of a critical history
González García, Maharba annel
Formato: Texto
Fecha: 2009-01-21
Recurso: Universidad de los Andes Venezuela

Recurso libre 
Régulation de l’expression du gène Six6 par les facteurs de transcription Lhx2 et Pax6 dans le contexte des cellules souches rétiniennes
Champagne, Marie-Pier
Formato: Thèse ou Mémoire numérique / Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Fecha: 2009-06-01
Recurso: Université de Montreal

Recurso libre 
VLE, LLE and VLLE data of water-ethanol-hydrocarbon systems in chemical process simulation software
Gomis Yagües, Vicente - Saquete Ferrándiz, María Dolores - Font Escamilla, Alicia - Olaya López, María del Mar - Pedraza Berenguer, Ricardo - García Cano, Jorge
Formato: Other
Fecha: 2009-11-03
Recurso: RUA Docencia