Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
Abu Qir lagoon; Alexandria; Carbonate ridges; Maryut lake; Neotectonisrn; Nile delta; Paleogeography1
Abu Qir ridge; bay facies; Canopic branch; Idku lagoon; paleogeography; Rosetta promontory; sea level change; subsidence1
American oyster (Crassostrea virginica); late Quaternary; sea level; paleoestuaries; cross-shelf transport; radiocarbon dating.1
Amino acid racemization; epimerization; geochronology; littoral deposits; shoreline stratigraphy; eustatic sea levels; interglacial periods; carbonate platform; tectonic uplift; Salentine Peninsula; Puglia and Basilicata Provinces1
Amino acid racemization; radiocarbon dating; Spartina; Geukensia1
Archaeological excavations; Leiv Eriksson's travel route; port authorities; Norse sagas; Trondheim harbour; war sailors' monument1
Artificial beach behavior; beach erosion; beach durability; beach replenishment; control erosion; coastal protection1
Atlantic Coastal Ridge; Pamlico Terrace; dune ridges; Scrub community; scrub indicators; species richness; patterns1
Barrier islands; Colombia; Pacific; tropical; mangrove; delta; coastal subsidence; mesotidal; El Nino1
Barrier islands; mid-Atlantic coast; Assateague Island; overwash; washover fan; sediment budget; climate; geomorphology1
Barrier stratigraphy; macrotidal; Holocene sea-level history; Australia; central Queensland1
Beach and foredune ridges; sea level indicators; shore features; coastal scarps and lineaments; covered karst; strandplains; Silver Bluff shoreline.1
Beach erosion; beach nourishment; tidal delta; longshore drift; coastal management; shore protection1
Beach groundwater; shoreline strategies: beach face; beach stability; coastal erosion1
Beach nourishment; coastal erosion; archival techniques; sedimentation; Portugal1
Beach ridge plain; beach ridge history; beach ridges; swash ridges; beach ridge parallelism; beach ridge sand source1
Beach ridges; coastal geomorphology; coastal progradation; longshore transport; radiocarbon dating; sand barrier; South Australia; spits1
Beach rock; coastal erosion; Holocene coastal history; southwestern Australian coast1
Beaches; beach sediments; beach-zone line; coastal; Oregon; wave runup.1
Carbon isotopes; environmental change; calibration study; climate change; tidal marshes; wetland sediments.1
Changjiang delta; coastal geomorphology; estuaries; floods; management; subsidence; sea level; Yangtzee1
Coastal environmental change; marshland; human impact; stream incision1
Coastal evolution; coastal lagoon; holocene transgression; subsidence and sea-level rise1
Coastal evolution; lagoon; estuary; strandplain; storm cyclicity; Holocene.1
Coastal geomorphology; paleo sea-level; paleo oceanography; marine Quaternary; radiocarbon dating1
Coastal wetlands; paleoseismology; Cascadia subduction zone; great subduction zone earthquakes; tsunamis; Oregon1
Computer programs; wind adjustment; wave growth; theory; and transformation; structural design; runup; transmission; overtopping; littoral and inlet processes.1
Concrete; sea water; exposure; climate; durability; workability; curing; history1
Cox’s Bazar; coastal plains; cyclonic storm surge; anthropogenic interference; relative risk; ganga lala; natural hazards; flash flood.1
Cuspate foreland; Holocene marine banks; Holocene coastal stratigraphy; coastal southwestern Australia1
Delta switching; delta growth; chenier plain; shoreline change1
Depositional coasts; coastal responses; Bruun Rule; rate of sea-level rise; sediment supply; White Sea; Sea of Japan1
Engineering geology; civil engineering; coastal engineering; open-water construction; delta-estuarine geolog; foundations; storm-surge protection1
Erodibility; geological history; seismic profiling; stratigraphy; vibracoring; X-radiography1
Estuarine sedimentation; isotopic dating; estuarine sedimentation model1
Estuarine sediments; harbor; dredging and disposal; estuary hydrodynamics1
Fossil record; Holocene sequence; biomarker; lagoonal facies; deltaic facies; thanatocoenoses; molluscan assemblage1
Geography; Ocean Science; Oceanography; Marine Science; Coastal Geology; Earth and Environmental Sciences2
Geomorphology; coastal zone; littoral dynamics; statistical analysis; Strait of Magellan1
Geoscience; Geography; Ocean Science; Oceanography; Marine Science; Coastal Geology; Earth and Environmental Sciences78
Glacial Lake Connecticut; marine delta; glacial history; sedimentation; sediment budget; marine geologic investigations; Long Island Sound1
Hawaii; Oahu; Molokai; Kauai; Holocene; sea-level; radiocarbon dating; coastal management; coastal evolution1
Hawaii; shoreline armoring; seawalls; coastal erosion; beach erosion; beach loss; coastal management1
Holocene sediments; estuarine deposits; tidal wetlands; tidal stream; transgression.1
Holocene; coastal stratigraphy; biostratigraphy; crustal movements; palaeoseismicity1
Human impact; late Holocene; vegetation history; NW Iberian Peninsula; coastal lagoon; pollen; diatoms; charcoal.1
Isostatic rebound; raised shore levels; relative sea-level fall; harbour shifts; coastal emergence1
Kuril Islands; marine terraces; Pleistocene; sea level; tectonic displacement; radiocarbon (14C) dating; thermoluminescence dating1
Life history; annual; biennial; perennial; herbaceous; woody; clonal; storm; washover; Hog Island; Delmarva Peninsula1
Long Island Sound; pollen; vegetation; dating1
Louisiana; shore erosion; shore protection; seawalls; coastal armoring ; beaches; coastal flooding; coastal management1
Mangroves; sea-level rise; Northwestern Australia; tidal flats1
Marine archaeology; side-scan sonar; Jamestown1
Mid-ocean islands; Fiji; sea-level changes; Holocene coastline development; tectonics; uplift; subsidence; coral reefs1
No aplica2
Non-linear shallow water theory; swash height; shoreline displacement; friction; infiltration; sheet flow; sandy beaches.1
Organic carbon in sediments; total nitrogen in sediments; total phosphorus in sediments; ecosystem history; The Everglades, Everglades National Park; carbon isotopes; nitrogen isotopes.1
Paleomonsoons; cyclicity; foraminifera; inner shelf; west coast of India; sediment core.1
Placers; heavy minerals; barrier system; beach deposits; coastal sediments1
Pleistocene coastal palaeogeography; Swan Coastal Plain; southern Perth Basin; south-western Australia; cuspate foreland1
Pollen analysis; fossil wood; radiocarbon dating; sea-level rise; human disturbance; Caribbean.1
Pollen analysis; heavy metals; cesium; Wadden Sea.1
Quaternary sea-level history; isotope stages; geomorphology; morphostratigraphy; aminostratigraphy; racemization; carbonate or limestone islands1
Sand-mining; environmental assessment; Maryland; Delaware1
Sea level rise; drift-aligned deltas; coastal planning; South Africa.1
Sea level; marine limestone; islands; stratigraphy; amino acid racemization; electron spin resonance; paleomagnetics.1
Sea-level rise; Chesapeake Bay; Little Ice Age; radiocarbon dates; paleoclimate; shore erosion1
Sediment transport; sediment texture; beach renourishment; artificial beach; dredging; beach sediment1
Sedimentation; mollusk; carbonate sediments; seagrass; coastal processes; wave energy; deposition; erosion; accretion.1
Shoreline change; bathymetric mapping; grid models; triangular Irregular Network models; cartographic software; depth of closure; geospatial methods1
Shoreline displacement; pollen and diatom analysis; Baltic Sea1
Storm history; paleoclimatology; isostatic uplift; sea level; Holocene1
Transgressive sedimentary sequences; tidal wetlands; river deposits; coastal stratigraphy; tidal rivers; peat1
Unconformities; basal conglomerates; littoral zone; coastal terraces; wave-cut platforms1
Uplifting; reef sediments; coastal notches; radiometric dating1
inlet stability; shoreline configuration; geomorphology; tidal prism.1