Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
Abuse; children with disabilities; community protection approach1
Anthropology (medical anthroplogy)1
Attitudes; communication; deaf; sexual health; reproductive health1
Behavioural study; intellectual disability1
Blind persons; education1
CBR; DPO; case-study; India; Brazil1
Cerebral palsy; dysphagia; mothers; knowledge; confidence; anxiety; workshop1
Challenge seeking behaviours; innovation; music intervention program1
Community based rehabilitation3
Community based rehabilitation; physiotherapy; disability1
Community based rehabilitation; preventive strategies; survey; socio-economic status1
Community medicine; community based rehabilitation1
Environmental barriers; wheelchair users; CHIEF (Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors)1
Goal oriented activity and living skills training1
Health documents; international donors; low-income countries1
Health policy; policy analysis1
Human resource challenge for CBR1
Human resources; community based rehabilitation; disability1
Instrument development; quality of life; people with disability1
Kudumbashree; local self government; community based rehabilitation; primary health center; district mental health program; multi-disciplinary approach1
Leprosy; knowledge; beliefs; perception1
Lower limb; amputation; Nigerians1
Mental health; CBR1
Motor learning; adolescents with cerebral palsy1
No aplica2
Public health; human development1
Quality of life; physical disabilities1
Rehabilitation; physiotherapy1
Resource information centre; social integration; community based rehabilitation1
Sexual and reproductive health; disability1
Social work; psychiatry; disability; human rights1
Speech and language therapy; physiotherapy; CBR1
Technology; rehabilitation1