Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
Arundo donax L.; Giant reed; Non-wood fibers; Organosolv pulping; Totally chlorine free (TCF) bleaching; Biobleaching; Bleach boosting1
Biodiesel, Diesel fuels, Tall oil, Kraft pulping, Transesterification, Esterification, Catalysis, Biorefinery, Extractives1
Biomass, Australian Resources, Utilization Technologies1
Electrokinetics, zeta potential, streaming potential, microelectrophoresis, cellulose, fibers, papermaking, cationic demand, polyelectrolytes, adsorption1
Lipophilic extractives, Hardwoods, Eucalyptus, Betula, Acacia, GC-MS analysis, ECF bleaching1
No aplica2
Oriented strand board, OSB, cement, decay resistance, Coniophora puteana, Termites versicolor1
Papermaking; delignification; laccase; laccase mediator; xylanase; ECF bleaching; chlorine dioxide1
The purpose of this paper is to show the effects of level of substitution with a linear chain anhydride (propionic anhydride) on dimensional stability and decay resistance of modified Scots pine sapwood. The work described herein has demonstrated that ch1
Thermophilic and Thermotolerant fungi; Multiple xylanases; PAGE and IEF fractionated proteins; Specificities and catalytic activities; Alkaline active xylanases1