Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
Competence-based perspective ; Knowledge creation ; New product development ; Technology education ; Industry1
Compulsory school ; Educational content ; Technological literacy ; Technological awareness ; Capabilities ; Shaping of technology1
Design & technology ; Design knowledge ; Property ; Rights1
Design & technology ; Education11
Design & technology education ; Research ; Ideas culture ; Designerly activity1
Design Thinking; education; learning process; Constructivism, 21st century skills1
Design decision-making ; Knowledge ; Skills ; Values ; Empirical evidence ; Research methods1
Innovation education ; Design and technology ; Technacy education ; Graduate attributes ; Knowledge economy ; Capacity to synthesise ; Frontier education1
Primary ; Design and technology ; Teaching methods ; Learning ; Pupil autonomy ; Teacher direction1
Teacher professional knowledge ; Personal subject construct1
Values ; Knowledge ; Articulation ; Innovation ; Sustainability ; Interdisciplinary ; Design and technology1
attitude measurement; technology education; technological literacy1
design thinking, computer-aided conceptual design, paperpen sketching, Wacom interactive digital pen input system1
technology, teacher knowledge, problem-based learning, pxperiential learning, pction research, STEM1