Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
Computer adaptive testing; CAT; conflict detection algorithm1
Distance Education; Online Learning1
Distance learning; mobile learning; learning management systems; LMS; Norway1
Education; Distance Education; E-Learning1
Mobile learning; distance learning; definition; conceptualisation; evaluation1
Natural language understanding, Dynamic geometry, JavaSketchpad, Geometry education, Knowledge construction1
No aplica1
Online learning; Higher education; Distance education1
Open Education1
Open Education, Open Learening1
Open Education; Distance Education1
Open Educational Resources; OER; desirability of OER; locating suitable OER; use and re-use of OER; D-index1
Open Educational Resources; Open Distance Learning1
Open Learning; Open Education; Online Learning; Online Education1
Open educational resources, remix, reuse, open textbooks, electronic textbooks, Flat World Knowledge, open access1
Traditional Education System, open Education System, Academic Motivation1
cost, Open educational resources, remix, reuse, open textbooks, electronic textbooks, Flat World Knowledge, open access1
distance education; e-learning; gender; learner’s perspective; quality1
distance education; higher eduacation; e-learning1
distance education; higher eduacation; e-learning; open learning; online education1
distance education; mobile learning; m-learning2
m-learning; distance education; technology adoption; Technology acceptance model1
online learning1
online learning; community of inquiry; emotional presence; higher education; distance education; pedagogy1
ontology; concept discovery; conceptual relation; text mining; lexical pattern; natural language processing1
open education resources1
open education; open scholarship1
openness; open scholarship; digital scholarship1