Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
Annotations, Hypermedia, Glosses, Location of Glosses, Learner Preferences1
Assessment, Instructional Technology, Evaluation Parameters, Curriculum, Pedagogical Goals1
Asynchronous Online Learning, Coordination, Distance-learning Development, English for Special Purposes, Teacher1
CALL, Learner Variability, Error Analysis1
Collocation, electronic dictionary, Japanese, CALI, reading instruction1
Computer-mediated Communication (CMC), Sociopragmatic Competence, Topic Assignment, Topic Development, Interactional Competence1
Computerized Bilingual Dictionaries, L2 Vocabulary Acquisition, ESL/EFL, Japanese Learners, Vocabulary Knowledge Scales1
Courseware development, computer-based instruction, interactive videodisc, development stages, prototype, footage selection, topic selection, instructional objectives, instructional design, interactive videodisc design, predicting, referencing, scanning1
Culture, Technology, Teaching, Culture, Survey, Teachers, World Wide Web1
Data-driven Learning, Form-meaning Mapping, Input Enhancement, Processing Instruction, Spanish Aspect, Video1
ESL Writing and Grammar, Learner Corpus, Web-based Resource Development, XML/XSL, Interactivity1
English as a Second Language (ESL), Website Design, Usability Testing, User-centered Design, Second Language Learning and Teaching1
Evaluation, motivation, drill-and-practice, corrective feedback, analysis, student records, German, Hewlett-Packard, courseware development, North Carolina State University, desk space, system log, network, host computer1
In-class Activities, Out-of-class Activities, Online Activities, Integration of Learning Activities1
Intelligent Language Tutor, Natural Language Processing, Parsing, Japanese, World Wide Web1
Internet, Cultural Learning, Intermediate-level Foreign Language Students, Experimental Research1
Japanese, Technical Literature, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Parsing1
Korean Postpositional Particles, Learner Language, Dependency Parsing, Treebank Conversion1
L2 vocabulary, strategy instruction, instructional design, word patterns, dictionaries1
Language Teacher Technology Education, Technology-enhanced Language Learning (TELL), Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL), Computer Pedagogy, Second Language Technology Course Evaluation1
Language Teachers and Software Decisions, Sources of Foreign Language Software, Software Reviews, Software Evaluation1
Language Translation, Tutoring System, Template, Heaviest Common Sequence1
Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL), Error Recognition, Parsing, Feedback1
NLP Techniques, CALL Tools, Cooperative Question-Answering, Summarization1
Natural Language Processing (NLP)-CALL, Error Analysis, Feedback, German as a Second Language, Grammar Instruction1
No aplica1
On-line Newspapers, On-line Chatrooms, Culture, Advanced Spanish Learners, Collaborative Learning1
Online Courses, Computer-assisted Language Instruction, Assessment, Online Learning, Evaluation1
Online Courses, Computer-assisted Language Instruction, Computer-mediated Communication, Assessment, Online Learning1
Social Networking, Situated Learning Theory, Identity, Engagement, Community1
Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication (SCMC), Feedback, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), Learner-Learner Interaction, Microgenetic Growth1
Système-D, foreign language word processing, text manipulation exercises, peer group teaching, CALT classroom integration1
Teacher Education, Technology Integration in Preservice Programs, Digital Portfolios, Professional Growth Plans1
Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, Multimedia Curriculum, Integration of Technology, Program Evaluation, College-Level French Teaching, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Computer-Mediated Writing1
Template-Template Structure, Dialogue System, Knowledge-Engineer (KE)-Free ICALL, Finite State Automaton1
Video Feedback, Situated Research, Foreign Language Education, Critical Pedagogy1
Video, Culture, Beginning Foreign Language Students, Assessment of Technology, Classroom Research1
Video, Story-based Approach, Research, Intermediate Level1
Vocabulary Acquisition, Research-based Instruction, Data-driven Learning, Corpus-based Learning, Computer-assisted Language Learning, Game-based Learning1
Vocabulary Learning, CALL, Picture Cards, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory1
Web-based Activities, Information Seeking, French as a Second Language, Student Perceptions, Post-secondary Language Education1
Wiki, Collaborative Writing, Writing Strategies, Revisions1
atoms, lexicon, Lisp, lists, parser, recursion stack, rewrite, semantics, simparse, syntax, TLC Lisp, toplev (Lisp interpreter)1
collaborative / active learning, advanced language learning, learner autonomy, L2 content-based instruction1
computer-assisted language instruction, CALI, computer-assisted instruction, CAI, intelligent computer-assisted instruction user models, student models, language learning, language teaching, software design, artificial intelligence, AI1
computercontrolled videotape, videocassette, interactive video, culture, cultural literacy, teaching culture, mastery, teacher-directed study, self-study, VIDEODEUTSCH1
neural networks, parallel distributed processing, associative learning, natural language processing1
writing assistant1