Colección: TEMAS

Temas Cantidad
05C15, 82B201
05C80 ; 60F17 ; 60J801
05C80; 60J80; 82C201
15A52, 60F991
15A52, 60J27, 60J65, 60J45, 60K251
2000 AMS subject classifications: Primary: 60H10; Secondary: 60H07, 65C301
26C05; 60J651
26D10, 47D07 , 60E151
31C25; 60J751
46L54 ; 15A51; 15A521
46L54; 60F051
49J20; 49L20; 60J60; 60J75; 35K551
60B05; Secondary: 46B09, 60G421
60B99; 60A10; 60G481
60Bxx; 46Gxx1
60C05; 60K99; 05C801
60D05, 58J651
60D05; 30F991
60D05; 60G57; 60F05; 52A221
60D05; 62G101
60E15, 28A351
60F ; 60K351
60F05; 60G15; 60H05; 60H071
60F10 ; 15A521
60F10, 60H15, 35Q551
60F10, 82B24, 82B311
60F17, 60K40.1
60F17; 52A40; 28A751
60G09; 60G57; 92D251
60G15; 60G18; 37A251
60G18; 60H07; 60H10; 60J601
60G18; 60J801
60G35, 91B281
60G40 ; 62L15 ; 60Fxx ; 62Lxx1
60G42; 05C801
60G42; 91B241
60G55; 60G571
60G60, 60G57, 60F051
60G70; 60C051
60H05, 60J551
60H15; 81S201
60H30; 60H07; 60G15.1
60J10, 60K151
60J10, 62M09, 62M151
60J25; 60C05; 05C05; 05C801
60J35; 60G40; 60E071
60J35; 60J75; 35K15; 91B24; 92D101
60J65, 60K371
60J65; 60B101
60J65; 60J35; 60J601
60J65; 60J551
60J70; 92D10; 92D201
60J80; 60K05; 60F05; 60H10; 60G181
60K35 60K37 60G501
60K35 82B20 82B261
60K35, 60J101
60K35, 60J80, 60J351
60K35, 82B441
60K37, 60F20.1
60K37; 60F05; 82C411
82B21; 82B431
82B27, 82B44, 82B41, 60K051
AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 60J651
Additive L'evy processes, Hausdorff dimension, multiple points.1
Amenability, equivalence relations, infinite graphs, percolation, quasi-transitive, random walks, transitivity, weak convergence, reversibility, trace, stochastic comparison, spanning forests, sofic groups.1
BSDE, forward-backward SDE, quadratic growth, differentiability, stochastic calculus of variations, Malliavin calculus, Feynman-Kac formula, BMO martingale, reverse Holder inequality1
Backward stochastic differential equations (BSDE), locally Lipschitzfunction.1
Bernstein inequality, (degenerate) U-statistics, Wiener--It^o integrals, diagram formula, moment estimates1
Black-Scholes formula, Meyer-Tanaka formula,semimartingales.1
Branching Brownian motion with absorption; spine constructions; additive martingales.1
Branching processes, configuration model, coupling, graph distance.1
Brownian areas, asymptotics for density functions right tail, double Laplace transform, two-dimensional saddle point method1
Brownian motion, Poisson process, localization test, detecting defects in sceneries seen along random walks1
Brownian motion; Brownian bridge; Canonical decomposition;Volterra transform.1
Brownian motion; local time; Skorohod lemma1
Brownian motion; manifold; optimal coupling; Kendall-Cranston coupling1
Cauchy variables, stable variables, planar Brownian motion, Euler numbers.1
Central limit theorem, lognormal distribution, productsof sums of iid rv's, records, U-statistics1
Common-ancestor process; diffusion process; structured coalescent; substitution rates; selection; genetic drift1
Concentration of measure, empirical processes1
Continuous-state branching process; Lévy process; quasi-stationary distribution; Yaglom theorem; h-transform; Q-process; immigration; size-biased distribution; stochastic differential equations1
Diffusion processes, Exponential analogue of Pitman's 2M-X theorem.1
Dirichlet Laplacian, Green function, analytic semigroup, jump diffusion1
No aplica43
Primary 60K37, secondary 60F15.2